Kampala Geopolitics Conference

Dr Hans-Jakob Schindler is the Senior Director of the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) in New York and Berlin, co-chair of the Advisory Board of the Global Diplomatic Forum in London, member of the Advisory Board of Justice for Kurds in New York, member of the Boards of Directors of Compliance and Capacity Skills International (CCSI) in New York and London as well as a teaching fellow at the academy for Security in the Economy (ASW Akademie AG) in Essen. In these positions, he advices government leaders and top executives in Europe, North America and internationally on issues concerning international terrorism, financial crime, sanctions and combatting the financing of terrorism and extremism. In 2013 he joined the ISIL (Da’esh), al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Monitoring Team of the United Nations Security Council and served as the Team’s Coordinator from 2015 to 2018. Having studied in Tübingen, at Georgetown in Washington D.C., and Tel Aviv he holds a Master’s and PhD degree in International Terrorism from St. Andrews University.