Kampala Geopolitics Conference

Kampala Geopolitics Conference 2023

The African Dimension in International Debates

Conference Summary

The Kampala Geopolitics Conference is convened in partnership with the Embassy of France, the KAS SIPODI-EA Regional Programme Security dialogue for East Africa, Makerere University, UN Women, the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS), and Alliance Française Kampala.

The Geopolitics of Kampala is a two-day academic event discussing current geopolitical questions and trends. Experts from Uganda will be joined by thought leaders and policy experts across the world to engage in participatory debates. Initiated by the Embassy of France, the conference is modelled on the Geopolitics Conference held by IRIS in Nantes since 2013, the Géopolitiques de Nantes.

The Conference is now celebrating its sixth edition, which will run from 17th – 18th October 2023, and will include 8 different panels. The Conference will be taking place in Makerere University and several experts will be joining online.

About the organisers

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Explore the agenda

Panel conversations Keynote Address Twitter Space Statements

Tuesday, 17th October 2023
9:30 am
Arrival/Introduction (2023)
10:15 am
Opening Remarks 2023
11:00 am
Exhibition Opening & Poetry Reading Morning snacks
12:00 pm
Closing of the registration for the morning
12:00 pm
Scenarios for Somalia and the Region after ATMIS (Konrad Adenauer Stiftung)
1:30 pm
2:30 pm
The Role of Cultural and Creative Industries for the African Soft Power (Ambassade de France)
4:15 pm
The New Scramble for Africa – Emerging Geopolitics and International Relations in Africa (Makerere University)
6:00 pm
Closing the Global Digital Divide – Advancing Digital Inclusion and Economic Opportunities for All (UN Women)
Wednesday, 18th October 2023
9:00 am
9:15 am
Morning snacks
10:30 am
Fact checking and artificial intelligence plenary workshop by Debunk
11:30 am
Closing of registration for the morning
11:15 am
East Africa as Part of the “Indo Pacific Theatre” (Konrad Adenauer Stiftung)
1:00 pm
1:30 pm
reopening of registration for afternoon (1:30pm)
2:00 pm
The rapidly growing African population – Is the continent set for a demographic dividend? (Makerere University)
3:45 pm
Water Governance, Transboundary Water, Peace and Democracy (Ambassade de France)
5:30 pm
Empowering Youth for Effective Leadership and Participation – Opportunities and Challenges (UN Women)
4:15 pm
Closing Remarks
7:00 pm
Last day of exhibition and cocktail organised by AFK Aliddeki Brian performance Cocktail DJ Set & Awarding of the prices for winners of the Quiz organised by Citizen Report

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